How do I setup a range limit for a numeric input
There are a couple of ways to set a limit on the a numeric input. The first method, is to scale the device range. The below settings screen shows how to set a limit from 14 to 60. The second method to set a limit is by creating an input case. The ...
What are the brightness ratings for the eXP2 HMI?
See the below table for brightness specs on the EXP2 series HMIs. Brightness Min Typ Max Unit 4.3” 240 270 - cd/m2 5.6” 300 350 - cd/m2 7.0” 500 550 - cd/m2 10.1” 370 420 - cd/m2
Does LS Electric offer screen protectors for the XGT Panel HMIs?
Currently, we do not offer screen protectors for our HMIs.
What port needs to be forwarded for remote access to an LS HMI over VNC?
The port number for VNC is 5900.
Are HK registers saved to NVRAM or Flash memory?
HK or hardware keep registers on the HMI are saved to Flash memory. Therefore the backup battery has no effect on saving the data in these registers.
Setting up a Project Password for an HMI
You can prevent others from opening an HMI project by setting a password. Please see the below steps. Setting a Password Changing and Deleting a Password
What series HMI support the Web Server?
The Web Server is supported on any “XGT” panel that has an Ethernet port. For the eXP, “TTA” types, which is the standard US stock. All iXP2 have dual Ethernet ports, so capability for Web Server is also supported. Below is the general statement ...
How do I set a background image on my HMI?
A background image can be loaded from a USB stick or flash memory. The background image will be displayed during the HMI bootup process, much like a splash screen. 1. In the System Configuration display, select "Settings". 2. Select "Environment ...
What HMIs support portrait mode?
The iXP, iXP2, and eXP20 HMIs support both portrait or landscape display modes.
What is the difference between TTE and TTA type HMIs?
The difference is that the TTE type does not have an Ethernet port while the TTA does have an Ethernet port.
Why does the XP40-TTA/DC has a better/ higher resolution than the XP70-TTA/DC?
It may be noticed the HMI catalog that the XP40 has a 800x480 resolution while the XP70 model has a 640x480 resolution. This may seem counter-intuitive since the XP70 is the larger screen. See the below explanation of why it is this way. The ...
Installing custom fonts on XP Builder
Custom fonts in Windows can be used in XP-Builder while making an HMI program. When writing the program to the HMI, the font will then be transfered and displayed on the HMI panel. Follow the below steps to install a custom font. Before the below ...
Do the LS HMIs support gestures?
The iXP2 series of HMIs support gestures, such as swiping or scrolling. The eXP series does not support this feature.
Does the eXP series HMI have an SD slot?
No, the eXP series only has a USB port which can be used for backups. The iXP2 series does feature an SD card slot.
How do I get my HMI program to start after initial power up?
By default, the LS HMIs require that the user manually starts the program by pressing the on screen "start" button. In many instances it is preferred that the HMI starts the program itself on initial power up or after a power loss. Follow the below ...
What are the brightness ratings for the iXP2?
Size (") P/N Brightness (cd/㎡) 8 iXP2-0800A 350 iXP2-0800D 10.4 iXP2-1000A iXP2-1000D 12.1 iXP2-1200A iXP2-1200D 15 iXP2-1500A 420 iXP2-1500D
What area of memory on the LS HMI's is non-volatile?
If it is required to save register values after a power loss, it is necessary to use the "HK" area of memory. This is non-volatile memory and will retain the values as long as the battery is enabled. The internal "HW" area of memory will not save ...