CAD Drawings for the MS/TOR Series (2D and 3D)
Please click on the links below to review or download 2D or 3D CAD files for the MS/TOR magnetic contactors, overload relays and various accessories: 2D Cad Drawings: ...
MC and MCCB are not compliant to IEC 60335-2-40
LS Electric Magnetic Contactor "MC" and Molded Case Circuit Breaker "MCCB" are not compliant to IEC 60335-2-40. This applies to Flame Arrest -protected components used in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment employing A2L refrigerents. LS ...
Magnetic Contactor Application Catagories per IEC 947-4-1
Reverse Diode Protection
LS Electric DC contactors do not require reverse diode bias protection. A surge unit can be bought to go with the unit but the contactor will run on either DC polarity without issue.
MC-150a Busbar kit ordering code
For ordering the optional bus bar kits for the MC-150a contactors, see the below information. Order #: 62671641005 -- TERMINAL ASS’Y,Total KIT,MC-150a 3P Metasol This includes a bolt kit and insulation barrier 4pcs and busbar 6pcs.
What is a mechanical latch (ML) option for contactors?
A mechanical latch allows a normally open (NO) contactor to remain closed without continuously energizing the coil. To open the contactor the mechanical latch is energized with a short pulse. See below reference on available voltages and various MC ...
LS Electric America Sales - Customer Care - Technical Support
The following are ways to contact us: *** PLEASE NOTE THAT LS ELECTRIC AMERICA TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVES ONLY NORTH AMERICA (USA and CANADA) *** LS Electric (North America & USA): Orders ...
H100+ Sleep Functions
One of the new features of the H100+ is its sleep monitoring function. With the H100+ frequency monitoring for the Sleep Activate level start only when the output frequency is greater than the Sleep Activate level. Without having to separately set a ...
Does LS have IEC Mirror Contact Ratings?
Yes, contactor relays are purpose built for safety applications with safety design principles built into the product. Markings include IEC “mechanically linked” or “mirror contact” symbols which are shown below. LS Electric Sample Nameplate LS ...
Do the "UM" remote reset kits have a NEMA rating.
The UM Type remote reset allows an MT thermal overload to be reset through a panel. These kits do not have a NEMA rating.
How do I order a reversing contactor?
A reversing contactor is simply two contactors interlocked. One contactor runs the motor in the forward direction while the other runs the motor in the reverse direction. The contactors are mechanically and sometimes electrically interlocked. ...
4 Pole Contactor Covers
See below table for ordering info. Item Part number 64611631015 COVER,SET,Metasol,MC-22a/4P 64611631013 COVER,SET,Metasol,MC-32a,40a/4P 64611633012 COVER,SET,Metasol,MC-50a~85a/4P
What is the difference between the UZ-32 and UZ-32 (34A) version?
If you refer to the contactor catalog you may notice that there is a UZ-32 and a UZ-32 (34A). See below. The difference, as you will find below, is in the the terminal screws. They are larger on the 34A version to allow larger gauge wire.
Safety Cover for Contactors
The Metasol MC contactors have an optional safety cover available. These are used to prevent arc from coming out of the contactor, protects against manual operation, and prevents dust from entering the internals. Ordering Info Part number Item code ...
Can I apply a higher voltage to the mechanical latch option?
All mechanical latches (ML) for use with the MC contactors have a operation voltage. This is the recommended voltage to apply to properly operate the mechanical latch. ML Units operate by a short voltage pulse. Therefore it is okay to use a voltage ...
What are the auxiliary options for Metasol Contactors?
LS offers a variety of auxiliaries which can be attached to the Metasol contactors. This includes both side mount and front mount auxiliaries. See the below options. Side Mount UA-1 (2 Auxiliaries) Front Mount UA-2 (2 Auxiliaries) UA-4 (4 ...
What is the difference between the different surge protectors available for MC contactors?
There are 2 different options for surge protectors on the Metasol MC contactors. Varistor and varistor+RC The varistor type will cut down the peak voltage during a surge. Alternatively, the Varistor + RC also has the ability to cut down the peak ...
Are LS Metasol contactors NEMA rated?
Yes, they are tested to NEMA Standard (Addendum/Errata to Part 2 of ICS2-2000 Page5). See below reference table for NEMA sizes.
What is the part # for the auxiliary for use with a 4 pole contactor?
The 4 pole (4P) contactor design is slightly different than the 3 pole ones. Therefore there is a different auxiliary which is used. The AU-1 auxiliary can be ordered for 4P contactors. See item code below. ITEM Description 83361611001 AUX CONTACT ...
What does "spare" mean in the coil part number description?
It can be somewhat confusing when searching through the large number of available coils for LS contactors. One point of confusion is the difference between a "spare" coil and non-spare. See below example. The difference is actually quite simple. A ...
What lug kit do I use with my contactor?
The MC-150a and smaller frame contactors can be ordered as a lug type. This is designated with an "-L" in the part number. For MC-185a and larger there is the option to order a separate lug kit that mounts onto the bolt-on terminals. See the table ...
What is the allowed voltage range for contactor coils?
The allowable voltage range for both AC and DC type coils is 85-110%.
What percentage imbalance causes a differential type overload to trip?
The LSIS MT Type overloads meet IEC 60947-4-1. Reference to the below excerpt in regards to trip time with phase loss. Limits of operation of three-pole thermal overload relays energized on two poles With reference to table 4: The overload ...
What is the difference between differential and non-differential overloads?
For overloads, differential and non-differential types differ in how they trip (release). Differential is considered to be a higher sensitivity relay as it has phase failure detection. When a difference between two or more of the phases exceeds the ...
Do I need screw-type or lug-type contactors?
The different available frame sizes for LS Electric contactors have different terminal types available. This includes screw, lug, and bolt-on types. These different fastening options will effect how you can wire up the line and load sides of the ...
What does "Class 10" and "Class 20" mean when selecting overload relays?
"Class" is an important rating in regards of overload relays(OLRs). The "Class" specifies the maximum amount of time the overload will allow 6x (600%) of the full load rating of the OLR before tripping. For example, a Class 20 OLR will allow 600% of ...