LS Electric AC Drive Load Duty Setting Explained

LS Electric AC Drive Load Duty Setting Explained

Our LSE AC Drives are Heavy Duty (HD) which is US Constant Torque (CT) rating from factory except; LSE H100 or M100 series drives. 

Below is simple explanation of differences of drive LOAD DUTY settings as applicable to G100/S100/iS7 AC Drives: 

  1. H100 is Only Normal Duty (ND) to 120% (<90KW) and 110% (> 110KW) except the H100+ has user programming capability for either (HD) or (ND).
    1. H100+ drive parameter PR.02.  
  2. S100N4X is Heavy Duty (HD) rated AC Drive.
  3. M100 is Heavy Duty (HD) rated AC Drive.