If you are working with an eXP2 HMI and have a "PLC Timeout" error displayed, this indicates that the HMI cannot connect to the host controller. First, check the below.
- Verify correct communication settings (protocol, baud rate, addresses, parity, etc) on all networked devices
- Ensure communication bus wiring, polarity, landing points, and topology follow the requirements.
- End of the line termination resistors are ON or present if needed.
If the above all checks out it could be an specific issue present on the eXP2 HMI with firmware version 1.1 or earlier. The verison can be checked at the runtime screen, as seen below (Windows CE OS V ####)

If you do find that you have older firmware, along with the PLC Timeout error, it may be required to update the OS. Please contact LS Electric America Technical support for assistance on updating your HMI.